University Catalog
The University Catalog is the official undergraduate and graduate catalog that includes information about academic programs and student services offered by North Dakota State University. It contains general University and undergraduate and graduate academic policies and degree requirements. This catalog is published online only. The catalog is intended to complement other university information including specific materials supplied by schools, colleges, departments, and programs.
NDSU Placement Procedures
NDSU English and Math Placement Test are used to determine placement of students into entry-level Mathematics and English courses.
Apostille and Authentication Requests
Apostille authentications are often called "legalizations," sometimes "incumbencies" or "certifications."
![ndsu student](/sites/default/files/2019-06/communication-180926.jpg)
To be eligible for inclusion on the Dean's List for any given semester, a student must have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.50 during that term while completing at least 12 semester hours (nine hours during the summer) in graded coursework.
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